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Following your LIT Teeth Whitening treatment, for the next 48 hours you will need to avoid


coffee, juice and soda and stick to an all white (plain-colored foods) diet.  After your


whitening procedure, the teeth become more porous and therefore they absorb more of


the pigment to which they are exposed.


It is very important that you avoid consuming any food or drink that would stain a white t-shirt. Also, make sure you are using a white or clear toothpaste during this time period as well.

Smokers should avoid smoking for 48 hours post treatment.


Below are foods and liquids we recommend during your 48-hour post treatment white diet:

Skinless turkey or skinless chicken
Plain yogurt
Apples (make sure you remove the skin)
White rice

Steamed white fish
Egg whites
White bread (no crust)
Pasta with white sauce
Flour tortillas

Rice pudding

Rice Crackers

Mashed potatoes
White cheese

Liquids (clear liquids only, nothing acidic)


Coconut Water 

Some clients experience mild sensitivity (particularly when eating hot or cold foods/liquids) in the first 48 hours.  If you experience sensitivity, you can take Ibuprofen ,Advil ,Tylenol, etc. The sensitivity should subside within a few days.

Following your treatment one of our LIT Teeth Whitening smile specialists will provide you with printed out post-treatment guidelines for you to take home with you. 


If you still have any question or concerns please call or text us at 702-626-0577.  Enjoy your new beautiful white smile!

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